

If you are interested in a career in healthcare 和 picture yourself in a lead role managing departments 和 hospital operations, 成为一名医疗保健管理人员可能是一条很棒的职业道路.

Here are the steps you can take to help you prepare for a rewarding career as a healthcare administrator:

  1. 了解这个领域
  2. 选择你的道路
  3. 推进你的事业

1. 了解角色:医疗保健管理员做什么?

医疗保健 administrators help ensure the smooth operation of a hospital, 医院系统, 或者医疗机构. Unlike doctors 和 nurses, healthcare administrators do not typically work directly with patients. 而不是, 他们关注的是个别部门和预算, 日常操作, 信息技术, 和人员. 医疗保健 administrators also help create far-reaching policies that affect the coordination 和 implementation of medical 和 health services to improve the delivery of healthcare.

成为一名成功的医疗保健管理员, 拥有强大的领导能力是很重要的, in-depth knowledge of healthcare business operations 和 financial structure, 以及对基本医学语言的扎实理解.

Minimal educational requirements for healthcare administrators are generally a 医疗管理专业本科以上学历 或相关领域. 硕士学位或 工商管理硕士 能帮助个人获得更高的职位和更高的薪水吗.


的 majority of healthcare administrative professionals work in hospitals. 其他 工作环境 包括私人诊所, 养老院, 辅助生活设施, 或者像教学医院这样的教育机构. 医疗保健 administrators may man年龄 an entire facility or focus on a specific department, 这取决于组织的规模.

另外, 医疗保健管理人员可能在公共部门工作, 比如当地卫生部门. Those who work to shape healthcare policies may find careers with local, 州或联邦机构, 比如食品药品管理局,医疗保险和医疗补助, 或者国家协会, 比如红十字会.

医疗保健 administrative professionals may also in the corporate or manufacturing sectors, 比如制药公司, 健康保险提供商, 或实验室科学和医疗设备制造商.

大多数医疗保健管理人员都是全职工作, but those responsible for 24-hour facilities may be needed to work varying shifts 和 hours, 包括周末, 晚上, 和节假日.


根据 劳工统计局在美国,医疗卫生服务经理的平均工资是 $134,440 每年($64.64 每小时).* 的 salary range for healthcare administrators may vary based on factors such as geographical location, 雇主的规模和类型, 经验水平. 随着医疗保健管理人员获得更多的经验和教育, 包括硕士学位或研究生证书, 他们的收入潜力会增加.


医疗保健 职业 in the United States are projected to grow steadily due to an aging baby boomer population that requires more care, 以及帮助病人延长寿命的技术.

Upper-level health administrators will be especially needed to help ensure hospitals, 诊所, 医生办公室运转顺畅. 的 劳工统计局预计 增加医疗卫生服务管理人员的就业 28%2022-2032,远快于全美的平均水平.S. 职业.*


现在通过 9月30日

2. 选择你的教育途径

的re are many educational paths to a career in healthcare administration depending on what education 和 professional experience you’ve already earned.


A diploma is a great option for students who would like to gain a basic underst和ing of the healthcare environment 和 get off to a fast start in a new career.

It can help students prepare for entry-level roles such as medical coder, biller, or secretary. This credential can be completed online 和 is good preparation for those who plan to pursue an undergraduate degree.



An 医疗管理专业大专学历 provides students foundational knowledge unique to the healthcare environment. This includes basic medical terminology, health policies 和 procedures, 和 patient privacy rules. It can help prepare students for entry-level positions in an administrative support role within hospitals, 诊所, 还有养老院.


在学士学位课程中, 学生学习护理服务系统, 医疗保健提供者的日常操作, 和更多的. Courses may focus on healthcare finance 和 human resources, as well as medical law 和 ethics.

A 医疗管理理学学士学位 通常是对想要的人的教育要求吗 成为医疗保健经理. This degree is a good choice for those already in the healthcare field who want to take on greater responsibilities, or for students who want to prepare for a future career in healthcare.

拥有医疗管理学士学位, 你可能适合中级和管理工作,如:

  • 医疗管理员
  • 医疗管理
  • 部门经理
  • 诊所管理器
  • 副主任

Master's Degree Options: 理学硕士 (MS), 工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)

A 工商管理硕士学位 or 医疗管理理学硕士 可以帮助您为医疗保健管理员的角色做好充分准备吗. It can help you st和 out 从 other c和idates, as well as increase your earning potential. With a master's degree, you may potentially qualify for executive-level jobs, such as:

  • 首席执行官
  • 首席运营官
  • 诊所主任
  • 养老院行政主任
  • 医疗保健咨询师

Our goal is to help you earn the education to best qualify for the healthcare administration job you really want.


How long it takes to become an administrator depends on the educational requirements for the job. Herzing学位选择的典型长度如下:

  • 医疗管理副学士学位:16个月
  • 医疗管理学士学位:32个月
  • 医疗管理理学硕士:16个月

3. 推进你的教育和事业

如果您对医疗保健业务运营感兴趣, 管理策略和团队, 并帮助确保患者得到他们需要的服务和支持, 医疗保健管理方面的工作可能会很适合你.

有很多教育途径, Herzing can help you continue to advance your healthcare education 和 continue following the career path of your choosing.

Learn more about the Herzing大学 医疗管理 program


*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation 从 its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.




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